Dictionar Englez - Roman app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Dan Stoicescu
First release : 21 Mar 2012
App size: 10.37 Mb
Romanian-English and English-Romanian, dictionary, with more than 43,000 words and phrases addresses to all, English and Romanian people, as a necessary adjunct in learning one of the two languages, as well as a useful tool in the translation process. Equivalents between the two languages like semantic expressions, phraseological constructions, speeches, proverbs and slang terms are made in a stylistic manner.This product meet the needs of an audience like - students, teachers, researchers, journalists, translators.
Also very important, you dont need any connection to the internet to use this product.
Dictionarul roman-englez, englez-roman, insumand aproximativ 43000 de cuvinte si expresii, se adreseaza tuturor, englezi si romani, ca un adjuvant necesar in procesul de invatare a uneia dintre cele doua limbi, dar si ca instrument de lucru util in procesul de translatie. Echivalarile semantice intre cele doua limbi a expresiilor, constructiilor frazeologice, alocutiunilor, proverbelor si termenilor argotici se realizeaza in context stilistic.Lucrarea raspunde necesitatilor unui public numeros - elevi, studenti, profesori, cercetatori, ziaristi, traducatori.
De altfel, foarte important nu aveti nevoie de conexiune la internet pentru utilizarea acestui produs.
Latest reviews of Dictionar Englez - Roman app for iPhone and iPad
I bought this app on iPad and in not opening. Im on IOS 5.1.1. Went on developer page, contact link not working. Be aware: Money wasted!
Zero stars, it doesnt work on iPad with iOS 5.1.1! How do I get my money back?
Given a word it gives you possible equivalents in the other language.
This app does not include the special characters for Romanian (ț, ș...). Until this is fixed, it aint any use, at least to me.